Cypriots Abroad & Services to Public

Diplomatic Missions abroad with the support of the Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate (+357 22 651113 &, provide a wide range of services for Cypriot Citizens traveling and/or living permanently abroad. Please read carefully the information provided below as it may provide answers to many of your queries.


It is advised that Cypriot citizens who travel abroad keep an electronic copy of their passport, identity card, travel insurance and debit/credit cards in case of loss or theft.  

It is also advised that Cypriot citizens who are traveling abroad do not transport unknown goods which belong to other persons.

In case of loss or theft of personal belongings, Cypriot citizens must immediately report the case to the Police of the country in which they are located.  If faced with such a scenario, they are advised to keep a copy of the Police report as proof of the incident.

Cypriots traveling abroad should make sure that their passport’s validity extends to 6 months beyond the completion of their journey.

They must be aware of the penalties imposed for drug possession, ranging from heavy monetary fines to long imprisonment and even death penalty in some countries.

While abroad, Cypriot citizens should not provide false or misleading information to the host country’s authorities. On the contrary, they should obey and respect the laws and rules of the countries they visit.  In the event where a Cypriot citizen violates the law of the country which he/she is visiting and is sentenced to prison or sentenced to death, the possibility of intervention by the Cypriot authorities is very limited.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, within its competences, is following with particular attention all international developments and particularly the cases in which a crisis situation in a third country may involve a risk for Cypriot citizens. With the objective of protecting and facilitating Cypriot citizens, from time to time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues relevant Travel Advices.  

Travel Advices reflect a careful assessment of the risks involved for Cypriot citizens travelling to various countries.  Before travelling abroad, Cypriot citizens are encouraged to visit the following link in order to be informed of any possible existing travel advice:


Prior to traveling abroad

Before their journey, Cypriot citizens are advised to register on the online platform «connect2cy» (, which is monitored by the Crisis Management Department of the Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate, which enables the Ministry to be able to contact them in case of an emergency or a crisis situation in their country of travel.

It is also a responsibility of Cypriot citizens who plan to travel abroad, to be promptly informed by the authorities of the country they wish to visit as to whether they require a visa or not.


Emergency or danger for Cypriot traveler while in another Member State of the European Union or Member State of the European Economic Area

In case of a Cypriot citizen’s personal emergency or danger while in any other Member State of the European Union (EU) or Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA), he/she may ask for help by calling free of charge at 112 or call the closest Cypriot Diplomatic Mission. In addition to the aforementioned, the Cypriot traveler may also contact the Crisis Management Department, of the Ministry’s Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate at the telephone number +357 22 80 1000 and email:


Emergency or danger for Cypriot traveler while in a third country (meaning not in a Member State of the EU or in a Member State of the EEA)

In case a Cypriot citizen needs consular assistance in a third country and in this country, Cyprus does not have a Diplomatic Mission, then he or she may request assistance from the Diplomatic Mission of another Member State of the EU.

In addition to requesting consular assistance from the Diplomatic Mission of another EU Member State if facing a personal emergency or danger in a third country, the Cypriot traveler may also contact the Crisis Management Department, of the Ministry’s Schengen, Consular Affairs and Crisis Management Directorate at the telephone number +357 22 80 1000 and email:

In the case where there exists a Cypriot Diplomatic Mission in the third country, then Cypriot citizens who face an emergency or danger are encouraged to communicate with that Mission.


Applications for the issuing or renewal of a passport for an adult can only be submitted at the Diplomatic Mission in person. A number of Diplomatic Missions are equipped with a biometric station and are therefore able to receive applications.  If one has filed an application for acquiring Cypriot citizenship, he/she may not apply for a passport until after his/her citizenship application has been approved.

The following documents must be submitted at the time of application, both in their original form for verification purposes, as well as in copy:


Required Documents

Depending on the interested person’s status and in addition to biometric data, an application for a Cypriot Biometric Passport will need to be accompanied by some or all of the following documents:

  • Application for Passport (Form M.9G/T)
  • Original birth certificate
  • Original marriage certificate (where applicable)
  • A police report (in case of lost or stolen passport)
  • Original Cypriot citizenship certificate (if the applicant has acquired the Cypriot Citizenship by registration or naturalization)
  • One recent photograph 4X5 cm
  • Republic of Cyprus Identity Card

The validity of the biometric passports for adults is ten (10) years.

In addition to the above, the issuance or renewal of Passports for minors proceed only if the following conditions have also been met:

  • A written consent of both parents, or
  • A written consent of either parent who has custody of the child, following a decision of the competent Court or
  • The absent parent’s written and certified consent, or
  • With the consent of the mother when the child was born out of wedlock and of unknown father

It is noted that for children under 12, fingerprints are not needed but only a photo.

The validity of the biometric passports for minors is five (5) years.

The fee for the issuing of a passport is €70 for adults and €45 for minors.

More information regarding issuance and renewal of Passports is available on the website of the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior

Cypriot Diplomatic Missions that are equipped with a biometric station:

1. London

2.  Washington

3. Paris

4. Athens

5. Stockholm

6.  Moscow

7.  Hague

8. Tel Aviv

9. Cairo

10. Beirut

11. Berlin

12. Canberra

13. Ottawa

14. Pretoria

15. Thessaloniki

16. New York

17.  Vienna

18. Belgrade

19. Doha

20. New Delhi

21. Madrid

22. Riyadh

23. Sofia

24. Beijing

25. Dublin


Applications for the issuing or renewal of an Identity Card (ID) can only be submitted at Diplomatic Missions in person. A number of Diplomatic Missions are equipped with a biometric station and are therefore able to receive applications. The acquisition and possession of an ID is compulsory for all Cypriot citizens over the age of 12 years. Minors under the age of 12 years may also apply for an ID on an optional basis.

If one has filed an application for acquiring Cypriot citizenship, he/she may not apply for an ID until after his/her citizenship application has been approved.

The following documents must be submitted at the time of application, both in their original form, as well as in copy:

  • Duly completed application form
  • Expired Republic of Cyprus ID (in case of renewal)
  • Original birth certificate
  • Original naturalization or registration certificate (original where applicable)

In the event where an applicant wishes to change the details on their ID (for example a surname due to marriage/divorce), the submission of a marriage or divorce certificate, of a passport or other documents is necessary.

In case the issue/renewal is a result of loss or theft, a relevant police report must be submitted to the Diplomatic Mission in addition to the above, as well as another form of valid photographic identification (for example passport and driving license).

The fee for the issuing/renewal of an ID is the equivalent of €30 (€20 if a minor).

Where minors under the age of 12 are concerned, the application must be signed by both parents in the presence of the Consular Officer. If any one of the parents is unable to be present, the application must be signed by the parent in attendance, accompanied by a written and certified consent of the absent parent. If the parents are divorced, the application can be submitted by the guardian, accompanied by the Court Order confirming custody.

In cases of minors over the age of 12, it is possible that only one out of the two parents signs in the presence of the Consular Officer.

More information regarding issuance and renewal of IDs is available on the website of the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior

Cypriot Diplomatic Missions that are equipped with a biometric station:

1. London

2.  Washington

3. Paris

4. Athens

5. Embassy Stockholm

6.  Moscow

7.  Hague

8. Tel Aviv

9. Cairo

10. Beirut

11. Berlin

12. Canberra

13. Ottawa

14. Pretoria

15. Thessaloniki

16. New York

17.  Vienna

18. Belgrade

19. Doha

20. New Delhi

21. Madrid

22. Riyadh

23. Sofia

24. Beijing


Cypriot citizens who have lost or had their passport or identity card stolen while abroad, should immediately contact the closest police station in order to submit a complaint/ make a statement. Once a copy of the official report or registered complaint is obtained, they should inform the closest Cypriot Diplomatic Mission to issue a temporary travel document (laissez- passer). This document certifies the identity of the person who will use it and is valid for a single return trip back to Cyprus.

For the issuance of a temporary travel document, the applicant must submit to the Diplomatic Mission the following:

  • The Police report regarding the loss or theft of the passport
  • A Completed application form M9 G
  • Two (2) recent photos 3×4 cm
  • Present a proof of identity (for example an original driving license, a copy of the lost/stolen passport, an original ID card, a copy of a Birth Certificate)

In cases where the passport is lost or stolen in an EU or EEA country, then the Cypriot traveler has the alternative choice of using his/her ID card to return to Cyprus. This does not exempt the Cypriot traveler from the obligation to report the loss or theft to the Police authorities of the country he/she has visited. Upon return to Cyprus, he/she should deposit the foreign country’s Police report to the Cypriot Police together with an affidavit. On the basis of the aforementioned, the Cypriot Police will prepare its own report which should then be submitted by the Cypriot traveler to the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior, together with his/her application for the issuance of a new passport.

In case the applicant for a temporary travel document is a minor, he/she must be accompanied by both parents. If the parents are divorced, the written consent of both parents is required or a Family Court Decision for guardianship / parental care if available.

Upon return to Cyprus, the temporary travel document must be submitted to the airport/seaport authorities.

The return of the temporary travel document to the Cypriot authorities after its use, is a precondition for the issuance of a new passport and/or ID card.

The fee for the issue of a temporary travel document is €20

Diplomatic Missions receive applications for Cypriot citizenship. Persons may acquire Cypriot citizenship as a result of origin, marriage or naturalization, with each case requiring a different procedure and different Application Form.  

More information is available on the website of the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior


Diplomatic Missions provide a range of services including certifying signatures and authenticity of private and public documents for use in Cyprus and abroad. The fee for each certification is determined by the cost of living of the host country.  

In cases of certifications of signature, it is underlined that the consular officer only certifies that the person signing the document is the same person depicted on the attached copy of passport or ID. The consular officer has no responsibility as to the content of the document.

In cases of certifications of authenticity, the original document must be presented to the consular officer who will certify a photocopy of it as a true copy of the original, with a relevant stamp.


Documents of third countries (non EU) for use in Cyprus

With regards public documents of third countries which are state parties to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Hague, 05 April 1961), if these have received the Apostille certification from the relevant authorities of that country, then these are recognized in Cyprus and nothing else is required from a Diplomatic Mission abroad.

With regards public documents of third countries which are not state parties to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Hague, 05 April 1961), in order for these to be recognized in Cyprus, they should first be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country (or other relevant authority), then be certified by the accredited Cypriot Diplomatic Mission to that country and then, be certified by the Certification Department of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Cypriot documents for use in third countries (non EU)

Public documents issued from an official authority in Cyprus which are intended for use in a third country which is a state party to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Hague, 05 April 1961), should be certified by the Ministry of Justice and Public Order of the Republic of Cyprus with an «Apostille» stamp.  With this Cypriot «Apostille» stamp, the official Cypriot document is recognized by the foreign country’s authorities and nothing else is required from a Cypriot Diplomatic Mission abroad. 

Public documents issued from an official authority in Cyprus which are intended for use in a third country which is not a state party to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Hague, 05 April 1961), should be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus and then by the Cypriot Diplomatic Mission which will certify the signature of the Foreign Ministry officer.

It is noted that Diplomatic Missions do not issue Apostille Certifications as this is a competency of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order. Individuals who wish to have a Cypriot document Apostilled, can submit them to Diplomatic Missions in order for them to be forwarded to the competent authority in Cyprus. The fee for the aforementioned service is €5.

More detailed information regarding Apostille Certifications can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order:

Below is a list of the state parties to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Hague, 05 April 1961):


Use of public documents between EU Member States

Millions of European citizens live and/or work in an EU country other than their own. These EU citizens often need to present a public document to the authorities of the EU country where they live and/or work.

EU Regulation 2016/1191, which applies from 16 February 2019, aims at cutting red tape and costs for EU citizens when they need to present in an EU country a public document issued in another EU country. The Regulation applies for certain public documents, for example certificates of birth, name, marriage, registered partnership, the absence of a criminal record.

EU Regulation 2016/1191 abolishes the requirement for «Apostille» certifications for some public documents and simplifies procedures concerning their certified copies and translations. Under the aforementioned Regulation, EU citizens can ask for a multilingual form/certificate from the authorities of the EU country which issued the public document and this in order to avoid having to provide a translation of the public document.

For more information on EU Regulation 2016/1191, please visit link below:

Original Birth Certificates.

Diplomatic Missions receive applications for the issuance of Original Birth Certificates.

Such applications must be accompanied by:

  • A letter addressed to the competent authorities in Cyprus requesting an original birth certificate
  • A duly completed affidavit, certified by a Consular Officer
  • Copy of lost original birth certificate issued by the Republic of Cyprus (where applicable)

In cases where the current surname differs from the one written during birth, an original or certified marriage certificate must be submitted if the change was due to marriage. 

The fee for this service is €5.

In cases of records of births greater than three months from birth, as defined by law, require the following:

• Affidavit in the prescribed form
• Birth registration form filled
• Fee €60

For more information, please contact the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior at the email address

Consular Birth Certificates.

Diplomatic Missions receive applications for the issuance of Consular Birth Certificates. These are issued for either minors or adults who were born abroad after the 16th of August 1960 and whose father at the time of their birth was a Cypriot citizen. It may also be issued to individuals born after the 11th of June 1999, whose father or mother was a Cypriot citizen at the time of their birth. 

For the issuance of a Consular Birth Certificate the application type M121 should be submitted. The necessary documents are:

  • Original birth certificate from the applicant’s country of birth
  • Original marriage certificate of the applicant's parents
  • Photocopy of the applicant's and the applicant's parents' passports
  • Original certificate of registration of the Cypriot parent (where applicable)

The fee for the issuance of a Consular Birth Certificate amounts to €29.

Death Certificates

Diplomatic Missions receive applications for the issuance of Death Certificates for a fee of €5.  

In case of a late registration (over 12 months after death), the fee for the issuance of a death certificate is €30.

For the issuance of the said certificate, the following documents are requested:

  • A certified sworn statement
  • A duly completed application form
  • The original death certificate from the country where the deceased passed away



For a human corpse to arrive in Cyprus for burial, private arrangements must be made with licensed funeral homes both at the country of departure as well as in Cyprus.

Below is a list of licensed funeral homes in Cyprus:






«Archangel» Nicosia ΓΚ1



«Archangel» Limassol ΓΚ2



«G & P Melas» Nicosia ΓΚ3



«P.C.M. Ancestral Angel (Angel Guardians)» Paphos ΓΚ4



Holy Metropolis of Limassol «Paraklysis» Limassol ΓΚ5




«Kimisis» Nicosia ΓΚ6



«Pantokrator» Nicosia ΓΚ7





«Saint George» Larnaca ΓΚ8



«Othello Health Services LTD» Nicosia ΓΚ9




 «Polykarpos Nicolaou» Nicosia ΓΚ10



«Galini» Paphos ΓΚ11




«Saint Rafael» Larnaca ΓΚ12




Saint Peter Nicosia ΓΚ13



V&A Venus Funeral Home Ltd Nicosia ΓΚ14





«Paradisos» Limassol ΓΚ15



«To teleftaio antio» Nicosia ΓΚ16






Brigadiers Michael and Gabriel Nicosia

22 103692
99 735515


In addition, a special permit issued by the Diplomatic Mission is needed for the transportation of a corpse for burial in Cyprus. In order to obtain a permit, the funeral home should submit to the Diplomatic Mission the following documents, which will be forwarded by the Diplomatic Mission to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport:

  • Apostilled certified death certificate by the authorities of the country where the death occurred
  • Apostilled certified certificate from the relevant authority that the body was placed in a carefully soldered lead or zinc coffin, with an outer coffin of wood at least 20 mm thick
  • Apostilled certified transportation permit issued by the competent authorities of the country of departure
  • Apostilled certificate from the authorities of the country where the death occurred confirming that there was no epidemic or contagious disease in the area where the deceased passed away
  • Apostilled affidavit from the funeral home stating embalming process
  • Apostilled certified statement from the funeral home stating Itinerary
  • Apostilled copy of the first page of the passport of the deceased

If the remains to be transferred have been cremated, then a certified crematorium certificate must be presented in lieu of the embalming certificate. The carrier of the ashes is obligated to take all necessary measures for the safety of their packaging.

It is noted that if death was due to a contagious disease, the remains must be placed in a carefully welded steel or zinc coffin, with its base covered with an absorbent material. The coffin must then be wrapped in a shroud soaked in antiseptic solution and placed in a 20mm thick wooden coffin. The funeral home must provide the Diplomatic Mission a certificate that this procedure was followed.

The fee for the permit is the equivalent of €12.

In order to transport an animal into Cyprus, it is necessary to have a health certificate or pet passport (both based on the EU model). Additionally, a valid vaccination certificate against rabies is required.

For details and for information about the procedure, please contact the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment by visiting the website below: