8 May 2022 - Europe Day message by Foreign Minister Kasoulides

Europe Day - Message by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Robert Schuman had a dream of a United free and democratic Europe. Seventy-two years ago on 9 May he laid the foundations for the economic and political community we know today as the European Union. This momentous project has shaped the course of European history, including Cyprus’ and redefined Europe's place in the world.

Nowadays the people of Europe need a United Europe more than ever as the continent faces both internal and external challenges.

The return of war to European soil has highlighted that unity, coordination and solidarity between member states is the only way forward. It is crucial that we continue to focus on all that unites us, inter alia, our commitment to international law, to an international order based on our common values and principles.

Us Cypriots, recognize that our participation in the EU is crucial for our security, stability and prosperity and we consider it our ultimate duty to work together to bring peace, prosperity and stability in Europe and to the rest of the world.

On the occasion of today's Europe Day, the Republic of Cyprus unites its voice with the whole European family, celebrating the vision for European integration.