30 January 2024 - Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the 2723 UN Security Council Resolution on the renewal of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the 2723 UN Security Council Resolution on the renewal of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the unanimous adoption of the 2723 United Nations Security Council Resolution οn the renewal of the mandate of the United Nation Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), for another 12 months, until January 31, 2025.

In its resolution 2723, the Security Council reaffirms all its relevant resolutions on Cyprus and recalls the importance of achieving an enduring, comprehensive, and just settlement, based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality, as set out in its relevant resolutions. In this context, it also reiterates its full support to the Secretary General’s ongoing engagement in pursuit of a mutually acceptable settlement, under United Nations auspices, and welcomes the appointment of a Personal Envoy to assume a good offices role on his behalf.

The Security Council, reiterates its firm position regarding the status of the fenced- off area of Varosha, in accordance with the relevant Resolutions and its Presidential Statement (A/PRST/2021/13) and calls for the immediate reversal of any action which is not in accordance with these resolutions. It also reiterates its call to the Turkish forces to restore the military status quo ante in Strovilia.

Τhe Security Council expresses particular concern over the trend of repeated ‘move forward’ violations across the northern ceasefire line and challenges to the status quo of the buffer zone by the Turkish forces. It also reiterates its condemnation for the attacks against peacekeepers in Pyla last August and calls for the implementation of the understanding reached on Pyla as an important confidence building measure.

In view of the mission of the Secretary General’s Personal Envoy, steps towards creating a positive climate, reducing tension and building confidence are of utmost importance. The Government of Cyprus is fully committed to working constructively towards this end and to supporting fully the mission of the Secretary General’s Personal Envoy, with a view to creating the required momentum for the resumption of a meaningful, full-fledged negotiating process, which will lead to a comprehensive settlement within the UN framework.


Tuesday, 30 January 2024