29 Jan. 2022 - Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides departs tomorrow to visit Washington DC upon invitation from US counterpart Anthony Blinken

Press Release regarding the working visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the United States

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Ioannis Kasoulides, departs tomorrow for a working visit in Washington DC, following an invitation by his US counterpart, Mr. Antony Blinken. 

On Tuesday, February 1st, Foreign Minister Kasoulides will meet at the US State Department with Secretary Blinken. Discussions will focus on bilateral relations and the prospects of further deepening ties in a broad spectrum of fields, the Cyprus Problem and the creation of the necessary conditions for the resumption of negotiations, energy issues, multilateral cooperation mechanisms with particular emphasis on the 3+1 format, as well as other issues of regional and international interest.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Foreign Minister will have separate meetings with Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ms Nancy Pelosi and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador Victoria Nuland. In the evening Foreign Minister Kasoulides will participate in a dinner hosted by representatives of organizations of expatriates in the US.

On Wednesday, February 2nd, the Foreign Minister will participate in a working breakfast with representatives of think tanks based in the US, and later in the day will meet with the Senior Director for Europe of the National Security Council, Ms Amanda Sloat. Minister Kasoulides will then meet with the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Senator Robert Menendez.

On Thursday, February 3rd, Minister Kasoulides will meet at the US State Department with Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, Mr. Amos Hochstein.

Minister Kasoulides will depart from the US capital to return to Cyprus in the afternoon of Thursday, February 3rd 2022.