27 July 2023 - The Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia presents his credentials

The Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia presents his credentials

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Serbia, Mr Andreas Photiou, presented in a ceremony held at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade on 25 July 2023, his credentials to the President of the country, Mr Aleksandar Vucic. The ceremony was also attended by the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Ivica Dacic.

In the meeting that followed, Ambassador Photiou conveyed the heartfelt greetings of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Christodoulides, as well as his best wishes for the country and the Serbian people. He also expressed Cyprus’ readiness to further strengthen the fraternal ties between the two countries, as well as deepen their cooperation bilaterally as well as multilaterally.

The Ambassador reaffirmed Cyprus' commitment to the respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. He also briefed President Vucic on the latest developments in the Cyprus question, underlining the importance of the international community’s support in the efforts to find a solution within the UN agreed framework and in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The Serbian President reciprocated the warm greetings to the President of the Republic and referred to the close, bilateral relations between Cyprus and Serbia, focusing on the prospect of further strengthening cooperation, especially in the fields of trade, defense, and tourism. He thanked Cyprus for its support in the context of Serbia’s EU accession negotiations, as well as for Cyprus’ principled position and respect of international law. In conclusion, he assured Ambassador Photiou of his and his government’s support in carrying out his mission in Serbia.
Thursday 27 July 2023