29 November 2022 - Ambassador, Dr. Kypros Giorgallis, presented his credentials to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Sadyr Japarov

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Kyrgyz Republic, Dr Kypros Giorgallis, presented today his Credentials to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Sadyr Japarov, at a ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Bishkek.

The Ambassador relayed President’s Nikos Anastasiades warm regards and expressed his readiness and commitment to further strengthen and deepen the relations between the two countries and their cooperation, bilaterally as well as within European Union – Kyrgyz Republic context.

On his part, the President of Kyrgyz Republic conveyed his personal wishes and cordial greetings to President Anastasiades. Furthermore, he attached emphasis on enhancing the political dialogue between the two countries at bilateral level, as well as within the European Union - Kyrgyz Republic context. In conclusion, he expressed his readiness to support the Ambassador’s mission aiming at enhancing the relations between the two countries.

On the sidelines of the accreditation, the Ambassador had a number of exchanges including with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the First Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, to whom he expressed inter alia grave concern and disappointment as regards the recent decision to grant the secessionist entity in the occupied part of Cyprus an “observer” status to the Organisation of Turkic States. A decision, that runs contrary to international law, including UN Security Council resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984). Moreover, he stressed that the Republic of Cyprus remains supportive of the further enhancement of EU - Kyrgyz Republic relations, provided that these are anchored on the respect of UN Charter, including the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. The interlocutors agreed on the need to enhance both bilateral and EU - Kyrgyz Republic relations and reassured on their commitment towards international law and the relevant United Nations Resolutions.