20 October 2022 - Ambassador Mr. Solon Savva, presented his Credentials to the President of Latvia, Mr Egils Levits

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Latvia, Mr. Solon Savva, presented his Credentials to the President of the Republic of Latvia, Mr Egils Levits, at a ceremony held yesterday at the Riga Castle in Latvia.

During the private meeting that followed, the Ambassador expressed his readiness and commitment to further strengthen and deepen the relations between the two countries and their cooperation, both at the bilateral level, as well as in international fora. The Ambassador also briefed the Latvian President on the latest developments regrading the Cyprus problem and the exploratory program of the Republic of Cyprus in its Exclusive Economic Zone.

On his part, the President of Latvia referred to the common principles and values that the two countries share, particularly in the fields of the respect for international law and order and the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and he reiterated the full support of his country for a solution of the Cyprus problem on the basis of the agreed United Nations parameters.