23 August 2022 - Address by Foreign Minister Kasoulides in the Second Summit of Crimea Platform

Address by Foreign Minister Kasoulides in the Second Summit of Crimea Platform

Dear Minister Kuleba, dear members of the Ukrainian government, Your Excellencies, dear friends,

Ι am greatly honored to address this Summit on behalf of President Anastasiades and particularly pleased that I have the opportunity to reaffirm Cyprus’ principled stance as well as our unwavering commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The Republic of Cyprus, itself the victim of the illegal Turkish invasion and occupation since 1974, is a strong proponent of international law principles, including the inviolability of borders, condemning the threat or use of force.

These serve as the cornerstone of the rules-based international order and the foundation of peace, according to the UN Charter and as established by the Helsinki Final Act, and must be respected by all. In this regard, we also support Ukraine’s just claim to restore the territory occupied by Russia since 2014 and as a result of the ongoing war and we condemn annexation.

Your Excellencies, dear friends,

Cyprus took a clear stance in 2014, condemning Russia’s illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sebastopol. We did not hesitate to take a similarly responsible stance this year further to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Our strong resolve to address actions challenging the international order and security has been evident by our determined approach to impose, collectively as EU member states, restrictive measures against Russia. Both in 2014 and in 2022, our decisions were not taken light-heartedly but with full awareness of their impact on our own national economies.

The determination and unity shown at international level is one that offers hope for the future, in particular as regards countering actions by countries defying international law.

President Zelenskyi, dear Ukrainians,

I assure you that the government and the people of Cyprus stand with the government and the people of Ukraine at these difficult times and that we will continue offering our support so that peace and stability may prevail.

Thank you.