20 June 2022 - Turkish provocations discussed at the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg

Turkish provocations were discussed at the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg

During the EU Foreign Affairs Council that took place today in Luxembourg, under the item "Current Affairs", the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikos Dendias, briefed his counterparts on the continuing provocative behavior of Turkey, referring among other to the continuing violations of the airspace of Greece, the military exercises on the shoreline of Turkey, the claims of Greek islands, the instrumentalization of immigrants and in general, the inflammatory statements of Turkish officials.

Taking the floor, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ioannis Kasoulides, expressed his full support for Greece and underlined our great concern about the current developments in the Aegean because, as he pointed out, these also affect Cyprus with the illegal visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister in the occupied areas, the illegal actions in the enclosed area of ​​Varoshia and in general, the toxic setting maintained by the Turkish Cypriot leadership. This expression of our concern, Mr. Kasoulides underlined, lies in the fact that Cyprus is extremely vulnerable against Turkey’s threats.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, as well as a significant number of Member States expressed their support for Greece and Cyprus.