14 Nov. 2021 - FM Christodoulides travels from Dubai to Brussels where he is due to take part in tomorrow's Foreign Affairs Council meeting

Press release regarding the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in tomorrow's Foreign Affairs Council which takes place in Brussels

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, departs from Dubai this evening where he had attended the Sir Bani Yas Forum, travelling on to Brussels, where tomorrow (15/11) he is due to participate in the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union.

In the course of the Council's meeting and under the Current Affairs item on the agend, the Foreign Ministers of the Member States will discuss, inter alia, the deteriorating situation on the border between EU Member States and Belarus as a result of the accumulation of large numbers of migrants, the situation in Sudan and the latest developments in Ethiopia, whilst they will be also briefed by the EU High Representative, Mr. Josep Borrell, on the results of his recent tour of Latin America.

Under current affairs, Foreign Ministers will discuss the situation in relation to the enclosed area of ​​Famagusta in the light of Turkey's ongoing illegal and provocative actions, and will be briefed further by the High Representative on the options paper for the EU's reaction, in accordance with the relevant mandate from the Council at its October meeting.

Earlier, the Foreign Ministers are foreseen to discuss the EU's relations with the Western Balkans, following relevant discussions at the recent Brdo summit, and will also discuss the situation in the Sahel region and the need for more active involvement and presence by the EU in the region.

On Monday afternoon, Mr. Christodoulides will participate in the informal Ministerial Meeting of the Eastern Partnership, which will take place immediately after the end of the Council's session, whilst in the evening the joint meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Ministers of Defense hailing from the Member States will be hled, with discussions set to focus on the EU's Strategic Compass.