28 Οct. 2021 - Yiorgos Christofides presents his Letters of Credence to President Sergio Mattarella becoming new Ambassador of Cyprus to Italy

On Wednesday, 27 October 2021, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Italian Republic, Mr. Yiorgos Christofides presented his credentials to the President of the Italian Republic, Mr. Sergio Mattarella, at a special ceremony that took place at the Palazzo del Quirinale.

During the private audience that followed, Ambassador Christofides conveyed to President Mattarella the cordial greetings of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, along with the latter's best wishes for progress and prosperity of the country and the Italian people.

The Ambassador referred to the excellent level of relations between Cyprus and Italy, as both partners within the European Union and as Mediterranean states, and assured of his commitment to work towards the further enhancement of ties and cooperation between the two countries, both at a bilateral and at multilateral level, as well as within the framework of the EU. The Ambassador also had the opportunity to brief the President on the latest developments in relation to the Cyprus problem, as well as on the provocative activities by Turkey on the ground and at sea, within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus.

President Mattarella reciprocated the cordial greetings of President Anastasiades and reaffirmed Italy’s commitment to the strengthening and deepening of cooperation with Cyprus in areas of mutual interest.



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