2 Sep. 2021 - Maria Papakyriakou presents her Letters of Credence to President Steinmeier as the new Ambassador of Cyprus to Germany

Maria Papakyriakou presents her Letters of Credence to President Steinmeier as the new Ambassador of Cyprus to Germany

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Maria Papakyriakou, presented her credentials to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, at a ceremony held yesterday, 1 September, at the Schloss Bellevue Palace, the official seat of the Federal Presidency in Berlin.

During the private meeting that ensued, Ambassador Papakyriakou conveyed to President Steinmeier the cordial greetings of President Anastasiades, along with the latter’s wishes for the continued prosperity of the German people.

The Ambassador referred to the excellent level of relations between the two countries and assured that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as herself personally, will continue to work towards further strengthening and expanding existing cooperation, both at the bilateral level and at the level of the EU and within the framework of multilateral organizations.  Finally, Ambassador Papakyriakou briefed the President of Germany on the latest developments on the Cyprus problem.

Reciprocating the greetings of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, President Steinmeier reaffirmed Germany's commitment to further enhancing cooperation with Cyprus, as well as to efforts aimed at resolving the Cyprus problem.




Photos ©Bundesregierung/Henning Schacht