29 July 2021 - MFA Statement on the adoption by the UN Security Council of resolution 2587 renewing the mandate of UNFICYP until 31 January 2022

Statement by the Foreign Ministry on the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 2587 renewing the mandate of UNFICYP until 31 January 2022

In view of the final text of Resolution 2587, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the unanimous renewal of the mandate of the Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus until 31 January 2022, on the basis of Resolution 186 (1964), through the adoption today by the UN Security-Council of the aforementioned Resolution.

The Security Council reaffirms its Presidential Statement of 23 July 2021 on Turkish illegal actions in Varosha, condemns once again the relevant announcements by the President of Turkey and the Leader of the Turkish-Cypriot Community on 20 July 2021, calls for the immediate reversal of illegal actions that took place since October 2020 and reaffirms the relevant resolutions, with special reference to Resolutions 550 (1984) and 789 (1992). It is also important that, in relation to Varosha, the Resolution reiterates the Security Council's position that no action should be taken that is not in line with the aforementioned Resolutions, whilst urging refrain from actions that undermine the prospects for a peaceful solution.

At the same time, it is also important that the Security Council reaffirms all its relevant resolutions on Cyprus, as well as the basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem with explicit references both in the operative part and in the preamble of the Resolution, as well as by reference to Resolution 1251 which is of particular importance, clarifying its position that the solution of the Cyprus problem must be based on a Cypriot state with one sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality, with its independence and territorial integrity safeguarded and which will consist of two politically equal communities, as stipulated in the relevant Resolutions, sending a clear message as to why it has not been made possible to date to resume negotiations, and in relation to future efforts.

It is precisely in this context that the Security Council regrets that no agreement has been reached on the resumption of negotiations at the informal meeting in Geneva on 27-29 April 2021, and reaffirms its full support for the Secretary-General's ongoing efforts for the resumption of the negotiation process, on the basis of a bi-zonal bi-communal federation.

It notes the reduction of tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean and underlines the need for the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law, a message that could only have Turkey as its exclusive recipient.

Resolution 2587 expresses the Security Council’s serious concern about the continuing violations of the status quo, pointing to the responsibility of the Turkish army, and calls for respect for UNFICYP’s responsibility, in accordance with its mandate, within the buffer zone. It reiterates the Council's call on the occupying Turkish army to restore the status quo in Strovilia as it was prior to 2000, and reaffirms that the peacekeeping force’s freedom of movement should be respected.

It also calls on all parties to continue their cooperation with the Committee on Missing Persons, mainly through the provision of full access without delay to all areas and the timely response to requests for archival information on potential burial sites, which is a clear message to Turkey.

Finally, resolution 2587 welcomes the reopening of crossing points from 4th June, it refers to the need to further strengthen bi-communal contacts, it calls for enhanced, equal and effective participation of women in the negotiation process, and of civil society in general in efforts to promote reunification, as well as in further supporting and enhancing the effectiveness of the Technical Committees.

