25 June 2021 - FM Christodoulides: Jordan and Cyprus convinced that broader region can become a hub of ​​stability, peace and cooperation

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Nikos Christodoulides after the first Cyprus-Jordan Bilateral Meeting of High-Level Delegations

Larnaka, 25 June 2021


Ladies and gentlemen,

Distinguished colleagues,

My dear friend Ayman,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Cyprus, together with the other members of high-level delegation accompanying you.

Our meeting today, coming so soon after our consultations in Amman last month, is tangible evidence of the excellent level of our bilateral relations, as well as of the dynamic prospects for their further development.

Directly linked with the outstanding relations of our countries is of course our cooperation at regional level, and the constant coordination between us in this context.

Undoubtedly, Jordan plays a crucial role in the region, as a calm force, a pillar of peace, security and stability in the wider region, and this is internationally recognized.

Ladies and gentlemen,

With my dear friend Ayman and the other participants of the meeting, we held an open and very frank dialogue today on issues related to our bilateral relations, to regional developments, as well as to the European Union's relations with Jordan.

With regard to our ever-expanding bilateral relations, we reviewed the full range of our existing cooperation and exchanged views on the next steps, in order to further strengthen them, in specific areas, such as defense and security, economic cooperation, tourism and education. In this context, we expect the visit of the HM the King of Jordan to Cyprus soon.

We had the opportunity to discuss in detail the latest developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and to exchange views on the Middle East Peace Process, the situation in Syria, Libya and Iraq.

I listened carefully to Ayman’s analysis and, in particular, with regard to the need for like-minded States in the region to work together in order for conditions of security and stability in our common neighborhood to prevail.

For my part, I highlighted Jordan's key role in the Middle East Peace Process, as well as its efforts for peace in the region. Our long-standing position on the need for a peaceful, comprehensive and lasting settlement, based on a two-state solution and in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, was emphasized.

Dear Friends,

We are particularly concerned about the destabilizing role that some countries in the wider Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean region have chosen to play, in violation of International Law and to the detriment of regional co-operation and efforts aimed at enhancing stability. It is a common belief that such approaches cannot bring long-term benefits and only through regional cooperation can lasting and substantial benefits arise for all.

In this context, we pursue cooperation among all States in the region on the basis of a positive approach and with the sole condition of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States in the region, as well as respect for International Law and good neighbourly relations.

I want to emphasize that Jordan and Cyprus, as well as other like-minded States in the region, are convinced that our wider neighborhood can become a hub of ​​stability, peace and cooperation. This is our common vision and we shall continue to work in this direction through an enhanced network of regional cooperation.

Ayman and I also discussed the worrying signs that ISIS is reorganizing, posing a potential threat to our region and beyond. The international community must work together to prevent these efforts from having a negative impact on all of us.

As Jordan has always been a predictable and reliable partner for Europe in the region, I reiterated that we will continue to actively support the strengthening of its ties and relations with the EU, as the closest Member State to the region, while maintaining that the EU must be present, actively involved and take action in this part of the world, which is also in its neighborhood and is of great geostrategic importance to the EU itself and its Member States.

Jordan's role as a reliable partner of Europe is also manifested by the responsible role that the country plays in relation to migration flows, in contrast to other countries in the region that systematically instrumentalize and exploit human pain. The EU must substantially strengthen and support Jordan in managing migration.

Today, we also exchanged views on the mechanism of the Trilateral cooperation between Cyprus, Jordan and Greece, which is part of a broader effort by our countries to develop regional cooperation. In this context, we examined the prospects that open up with the operation of the Permanent Secretariat of Trilateral Mechanisms, in Nicosia.

For my part, I also referred to the latest developments in the Cyprus problem, following the informal conference in Geneva, where the stance of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side unfortunately did not allow us to achieve the desired result and resume substantive negotiations on the basis of the agreed framework. At the same time, we discussed the Turkish provocations in the fenced area of Varosha, in violation of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and EU decisions.

I reaffirmed our readiness and commitment as conveyed today by the President of the Republic to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the immediate resumption of substantive negotiations aimed at the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem, on the agreed basis for a solution of bizonal bicommunal federation.

In this regard, I thanked Ayman, once again, for Jordan's continued support in our efforts to reunite Cyprus.

Dear Ayman,

Thank you for the excellent opportunity we had today to review the relations between our two countries, our tripartite cooperation, but also regional developments and to set new common goals for the future, such as holding extended format meetings on a more regular basis.