Elections in Sao Tome e Principe [25 September 2022]

Call for expression of interest for the EU Election Observation Mission to Sao Tome e Principe

The European Commission has initiated the selection procedure for election observers for the Election Observation Mission to Sao Tome e Principe to observe the legislative elections scheduled for 25 September 2022. The Mission will include 10 Long-Term Observers and 18 Short-Term Observers. The Note of the European Commission on this deployment and the Terms of Reference for the Observers are available from the links below.

Call for Observers EOM Sao Tome

Observers ToR Sao Tome 2022

The working language of the mission will be Portuguese (level C1) and the reporting language will be English (level C1). Observers should also be willing to accept very difficult living conditions when deployed in some areas of responsibility.

Qualified Cypriot candidates who are members of the Roster and are interested to participate to this EU mission should contact the Department for Multilateral Affairs and International Organizations (A1) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (e-mail: cconstantinou@mfa.gov.cy) at the latest by 9 August 2022.

The Mission highly recommends vaccination against COVID-19. Candidates with pre-existing/chronic illnesses who are at risk of developing serious complications when they contract COVID-19, are encouraged to discuss the issue with their doctor.